Sunday, January 6, 2008

Upon Entering the World of Blogging

You are (at least I hope) reading the first of my blogs. Nothing here of earth shattering least not yet. Just a space for me to note those things that are on my mind. My interests are many and varied and from time to time you will see my ponderings on such subjects as cooking (one of my true and enduring passions), politics, gardening, music (another passion) and maybe even the occasional fish tale or two.
Truthfully, I am amazed at the possibility of this relatively new and burgeoning form of communication. First, the mere fact that I can do this and that anyone who wishes to...anywhere in the world can read and comment on it is mind blowing to me. I was born in 1957 and have seen a lot of technological advances but nothing has emotionally prepared me for this awesome method of communication. Secondly, I am grateful for the hundreds of dollars this will save me on journals, legal pads, steno books and notebook paper that would normally serve as the repository for my senseless meanderings. Hell! I don't even have to worry about taking up space on my own hard-drive!
For now, I am going away to enjoy a lovely adult beverage and consider the implications of this new toy, but I will be back soon!

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